What are the long term side effects of spray foam insulation?

SPF insulation contains chemicals called isocyanates that can cause sensitization of the skin and lungs, as well as irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, such as the eyes. Sensitization means that workers can develop an allergy to a certain chemical after being exposed to it. Exposure to isocyanates can cause skin, eye and lung irritation, as well as asthma and “sensitization”. Isocyanates irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and gastrointestinal tracts.

and respiratory. Direct contact with the skin can also cause marked inflammation. There is no recognized safe level of exposure to isocyanates for sensitized people. Isocyanates have been reported to be one of the main attributable chemical causes of asthma in the workplace.

Aerosol foam adheres permanently to everything it is sprayed on and can cover and hide water leaks, mold and damage for years. In order for inspectors to see the structure of a house, it is necessary to cut the foam. Complete removal is prohibitively expensive for most homeowners. Isocyanates are a class of highly reactive chemicals with wide industrial, commercial, and retail or consumer applications.

Exposure to isocyanates can cause skin, eye and lung irritation, as well as asthma and “sensitization.” Isocyanates irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. Inhaling isocyanates is associated with serious adverse health effects, such as asthma, airway inflammation and cancer. During the thermal degradation of polyurethane, polyurethane materials, as occurs in fires, are known to produce very high heat release rates and extremely toxic fumes. And when you have to insulate, it often seems that people prefer aerosol foam insulation.

According to an Efficiency Vermont report released last summer, a home with aerosol foam insulation would need about 10 years of energy savings to match the carbon savings of a house insulated with rigid foam plates and dense cellulose. Without commenting on the Crossman case, Reed said that Vermont Foam Insulation advises customers to address moisture issues before installing spray foam, and will also recommend installing other forms of insulation when appropriate. When properly installed, spray foam can help make a home airtight (when first applied); it works as a vapor barrier and adds a significant level of insulation to the home, further reducing the energy needed for heating and cooling. At the time, Vermont Foam Insulation was working on-site on a job Crossman was working on and accepted a proposal from their sales representative, Will Reed, to insulate the entire top floor of Crossman's house with open-cell foam, the fluffiest and most affordable option with small air bubbles that break. Aerosol polyurethane foam (SPF) and urea-formaldehyde foam (UFFI) insulation is commonly used as insulation.

As an expert in installing aerosol foam in Toronto, I understand that these are mainly petroleum-derived chemicals, and that is why, in Canada, they are handled by professional experts who are duly trained and authorized in aerosol insulation. However, this doesn't mean that aerosol foam insulation is bad, as it has been used for more than 30 years in the UK and many lenders still consider it an acceptable improvement, but if more and more banks and lenders refuse to lend or grant mortgages on properties with aerosol foam insulation, it may become increasingly difficult to sell your property or mortgage in stores in the future. In any case, he said, when a contractor installed aerosol foam insulation on the ceiling and walls of the second floor a decade earlier, he was promised that the type of foam used, open-cell, would allow water to pass through in the event of a leak, so he should have noticed it immediately. If you currently have a mortgage and are considering installing aerosol foam insulation, it would be wise to check with your lender if this is an acceptable improvement for them, otherwise they could be in for an unwanted surprise and have to work on the property if they discover the insulation. If you are thinking of insulating your home with spray foam, we strongly recommend that you turn to a professional installer and resist the urge to try self-made spray foam kits, and that you consult professional spray foam installers carefully.

While there are many types of insulators (cellulose, mineral wool, foam sheets and wadding), the aerosol foam industry has benefited greatly from this green air conditioning push, as aerosol foam is an excellent insulator and can be easily installed in a day without breaking walls.

Elliott Ballina
Elliott Ballina

Subtly charming music practitioner. Wannabe tv enthusiast. Certified social media specialist. Friendly twitter fanatic. Infuriatingly humble web guru.

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